Population and area


The city upon River Łyna has the area of 88 sq km, which is currently (2019) inhabited by 172 thousand residents. Thus, the population density is 1,954 persons per 1 sq km.

The working age population in 2019 represented 58.9% of the inhabitants, which is why Olsztyn can be called "a young city". Olsztyn ranks 8th among 18 largest Polish cities in terms of the natural growth rate (0.3 persons in 2019). Olsztyn is outranked by Rzeszów (3.3), Białystok (2.5), Kraków (2,0), Warszawa (1,3), Gdańsk (1,0), Wrocław (0,9) and Poznań (0,6) while it beats, among others, such cities as Lublin (0.1), Toruń (-0.9), Bydgoszcz (-2.8) and Łódź (-5.6).


In 2018 in Olsztyn, there have been 1.8 thousand physicians entitled to practice medical profession (5.3 thousand in the region). Access to healthcare in the city reaches an adequate level – the number of physicians per 10 thousand inhabitants amounted to 105 persons (37 persons in the region).

Access to hospital healthcare in Olsztyn is much better than averagely in the voivodeship – in 2018 there have been available 102 hospital beds per 10 thousand inhabitants (45 in the region respectively). The healthcare services provided in Olsztyn are at the disposal of inhabitants of the whole region.

There are 8 hospitals located within city borders, which in 2018 offered 1.8 thousand beds, i.e.: the Voivodeship Specialised Hospital, the Voivodeship Specialised Children Hospital, the Voivodeship Psychiatric Care Hospital, the Nicolaus Copernicus Municipal Polyclinical Hospital, the University Clinical Hospital, the Healthcare Institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration with the Warmia and Mazury Oncology Centre, the Center for Pulmonary Diseases as well as the Malarkiewicz non-public hospital.